About Me

I was born in the province of Denizli in Turkey in 1971. I studied in famous schools of Turkey that accepts elected students like Bornova Analotian High School and Izmir Science High School, ranking 297th in Turkey in the entrance exam. I graduated from high school with third place. I received first prize both individually and as a team in the TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) high school Physics competition.

I ranked 45th in Turkey in the university entrance exam and took my undergraduate education at METU Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, which was my first choice. I completed my master’s and doctoral studies in the same department.

After graduation, I worked in defense industry projects for 6 years and during this time, I worked as an engineer in a communication project working on automatic test systems and HF radios. During this period, I was among the group representing our country in the NATO JWID-98 demonstration, a first in Turkey.

Later, I became a partner in Hemosoft and worked on more than a dozen projects that I completed within this company. I took over the management of the team that developed the LisOnline laboratory information system working at the Turkish Red Crescent. I worked on various projects in the field of genetics and bioinformatics for about ten years and had the chance to achieve internationally acclaimed results. I am currently working as CTO at Hemosoft.

I have been sharing my experiences in software engineering and software architecture that I have gained in the field by teaching at METU Informatics Institute since 2017.