Technical Asistance for Strengthening the Blood Supply System in Turkey

Technical Asistance for Strengthening the Blood Supply System in Turkey Project CFCU Ref. 129371-Supply Component The subject of the contract was the supply, delivery, installation, putting into operation, inspection, testing, training and warranty of IT equipment and software including development and customization of software for the blood establishments management system. A national haemovigilance network through web portal, under the authority of the Ministry of Health (MoH), was set up and managed centrally according to the National Guideline. The Hemovigilance Network System is a set of surveillance procedures covering the whole transfusion chain (from the collection of blood and blood components to the follow-up of recipients), intended to collect and assess information on unexpected or undesirable effects resulting from the therapeutic use of released blood components, and to prevent their occurrence or recurrence. The system covers integration of blood establishment systems/modules and patient blood management modules of all management information systems. It involves developing the reporting system of traceability and governance frameworks for a safety blood program by legislation and National Guideline.